Download ONEGram

Latest version: 20220330


V 20220330


- Fix hide/show typing status
- Fix more icon alignment on login
- Fix download animation color
- Fix updated notification
- Reduce default blur alpha
- Update to Telegram API 8.6.2
- Ignore user only methods for bots
- Fix more status bar color
- Update dependencies
- Fix markdown parser behaviour
- Remove send callback
- Add option to show all rpc errors


V 20220320


- Fix copy photo show up in noforwards group
- Fix status bar color
- Update to Telegram API 8.6.1
- Fix pasting text
- Updated links to new ONEGram data center and website
- Added the feature to stay in chats while banned
- Now on private chats u can see the edited and deleted messages
- On channels and groups if any delete a message u can view without admin rights the deleted message
- Fixes and improvements
- Fixed Crash on devices lower than Android 10
- Fixed UI for Tablet and laptop UI
- More security (related to accounts identification) on premium platform
- Force Telegram static map preview
- Added option to enable time format with seconds (PREMIUM USERS)
- Added ONEGram Channel News on navigation bar
- Bump version


V 20220226


- add bypassScreenshotLimit only for premium users
- Fixed forward date from users with privacy.
- Allow disable markdown when editing messages
- Add undo and redo to edittext
- Allow keep data when uninstall
- Update android gradle plugin
- Fix crash when installed to sdcard
- Add alert only once to progress notifications
- Add share to text selection menu
- Add back stack for clicked replies
- Set category for notifications
- Show notification after update when cannot start activity
- Abandon unsuccessful session
- Fix view stats menu
- Fix custom menu in chat activity
- Move auto translate out of others (to general)
- Refactor delete user history with search
- fix empty user in message seen view
- add CheckAdministratorsListWithoutAdminRights


V 20220217


- Enable Dev Channel Updates for I+D and Beta TEAM (no one can join there, these updates it's very very experimental and automatic, u need get the updates searching manually on Settings --> Search Updates)
- Added more options for translated messages
- Added Auto Translate messages for PREMIUM USERS
- Use messageEntityCode if language is empty
- Update gradle plugin
- Enable Blur for more built-in themes
- Fix Crash with QR Login
- Fixes and improvements
- Enabled crash-analytics now when the app Force Close for any reason the system send to appcenter (Microsoft) the Crash log for see whats happen
- Add don't ask again for verify link tip
- Remove supports-screens
- Fix crash on Android 13
- Updated to Telegram API 8.5.4
- Fix edit or share webpage photo
- Fix editing shared photo
- Fix disappeared share button in photo viewer
- Replace condensed font with system font
- Add hide caption and schedule to share alert


V 20220206


- Update tcp2ws
- Cache translation result based on target language
- Update to Telegram API 8.5.1
- Fix shared media crash (official bug)
- Fix some crashes
- Change how ignore blocked user works
- Add code syntax highlight
- Show info about app link verify on Android 12
- More Security Updates
- Fix dim enabled (official bug)
- Improvements


V 20220116


- Add hide send as channel
- Fix accessibility for create folders
- Fix crash on incoming calls for <24
- Prevent calls crash when no phone permission
- Disable new resources shrinker
- Update to Telegram API 8.4.3
- Fix qr code font
- Update dialog style
- Fix sponsored info text alignment (official bug)
- Use notification for save to download (Android 12)
- Fix push service config (official bug)
- Optimize build time and apk sizes
- Strip unused characters from font
- Fix markdown parser behaviour
- Always use fileprovider instead of file uri
- Fix generating cloud theme link (official bug)
- Add lunar newyear animation
- Allow drop images into chat edit text
- Allow copy photo to clipboard
- Add missing size info for musics
- Added ability to set custom title of main view. (PREMIUM)
- rework settings
- added one icon side-menu
- optimizations
- Add options for menu layout configuration (PREMIUM)
- added translation collaboration on ONEGram Settings
- Ignored server app config for display of QR code.
- disabled quality audio for avoid errors on modulator
- Allow send photos from notification (android 12)
- Use call style for call notification on Android 12
- Update floating toolbar design
- Add translation provider option to long click
- Don't install apk with package installer on MIUI
- Start app after updated
- Show apk installation error with dialog
- Allow disable auto-play of voice messages
- Add some labels


V 20211231


- Remove unused files
- Update android gradle plugin
- Update sdk to 32
- Target sdk 32
- Restrict copy in message details
- Add support for qr login
- Always show profile activity for member request
- Nuke google pay
- Fix some things of Android 12
- Update to Telegram API 8.4.2
- Add ONEGram icon to session list
- Some fixes and improvements
- Accessibility improvements
- Allow disable double tap reaction


V 20211211


- Update dependencies and gradle
- Use new map renderer
- Enable java 11 language feature
- Nuke built-in fonts
- Remove WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for 30+
- Switching to test backend when using test numbers (+999)
- Delete own message improvements
- Now seekbars become more accessible for blind people
- Update google services plugin
- Add size info to music files
- Allow repeat in comments
- Allow repeat stickers in comments
- Add based telegram version to settings
- Add link to website
- Replace download link in invite
- Add no update available toast
- Update to Telegram API 8.3.1
- Updated Sticker Preview
- Added Voice Modulator (PREMIUM)
- Check default send as in delete history alert


V 202111113


-Allow disable greeting sticker
-Fix profile edit icon
-Revert "Added ability to filter photos in Shared Media"
-Revert "Enable HEVC"
-Fix translating sponsored message
-Fix message detail for sponsored message
-Update to 8.2.1 (2462)
-Fix gallery folder
-Fix memberRequestsCell
-Hide scoped storage settings on 30+
-Add ads blocker
-Update to Telegram API 8.2.3 (2466)
-Fix media dirs name


V 202111010


* Updated Telegram API to 8.1.2

* Major translations

* Fixes on translation Plugin

* Fixed DeletedUser Search Channel History

* Fixes on Custom Themes


V 20210923


* Fixes and improvements

* Updated Telegram API to 8.1.1

* Telegram New on this API


V 20210916


* Fixes and improvements

* Added Mutual Contact information

* Added option for disable swipe to Next Channel

* Fixed color of some UI texts on Dark Mode


V 20210902


* Updated Telegram API 8.0.0

* Added restriction reason to message detail

* Added forwards to message detail

* Fixes and improvements


V 20210823


* Fixed Downgraded to Telegram API 7.9.3 (because errors on their dev base)

* Fixed Fixed common errors


V 20210822


* New Added Show/Hide Typing Status for Premium Users

* Fixed Fixed error when u edit a message and click on emoji icon (not emoji keyboard)


V 20210821


* API Updated to Telegram 7.10.0

* Rewrited Secret Mode

* Fixed some errors


V 20210820


* First Public Version